For the past few years, my church has set up “Giving Machines” along the 16th Street Mall in Downtown Denver between Thanksgiving and Christmas. The “Giving Machines” are like vending machines that allow people to purchase items or services for those in need. A person can purchase food for a poor family, or socks, shoes, or other items to be … [Read more...]
Why Your Estate Plan Will Work (in Colorado) Even If Someone Doesn’t Like It
My wife likes to talk about love languages, and how everybody’s love language can be different. Some people want physical affection, while others prefer gifts, and still others want you to spend time with them. I am not nearly as into the differences in love languages as she is, or as some people are, but I did get an interesting, almost … [Read more...]
What to Expect When You’re Expecting and Planning…to Die!
My oldest daughter is currently enrolled in an AP United States history class. She took an AP World history class and enjoyed it quite a lot. This year, her AP United States history class has been a little more difficult for her. She has struggled with reading the textbook and taking notes, which seemed to be one of her favorite parts about her … [Read more...]
How the Estate Planning Process Benefits You – And What Does This Have To Do With Cookies?
How the Estate Planning Process Benefits You - And What Does This Have To Do With Cookies? I am not a huge baker. I cook fairly well, but I don’t really bake as much. My daughter loves to bake, and she makes cookies often. I get to benefit from her making cookies, as I get to eat the cookies at the end. Eating the cookies is an obvious benefit … [Read more...]
Why “Mobile” Estate Planning Is Good for You
As a maxim of life, it is harder to hit a moving target than a stationary one. So, why would it then be true that “mobile” estate planning is good for you, possibly even better than “stationary” estate planning? The answer has more to do with what it means that I provide “mobile” estate planning services, than we are moving while planning your … [Read more...]
Avoiding The “Danger Zone” in Estate Planning
In my last blog post, I discussed what I learned about estate planning from the movie “Top Gun: Maverick” and I mentioned the song by Kenny Loggins, “Danger Zone.” The mere phrase “Danger Zone” got me thinking about what zones exist in estate planning that are danger zones. Of course, in the “Top Gun” movies, the air combat scenes needed to … [Read more...]
Lessons From Top Gun: Maverick: A Change In Your Relationships Means An Update In Your Estate Plan
I, along with a lot of other people, saw the movie “Top Gun: Maverick” this summer. The movie came out 36 years after the original “Top Gun” movie. Without giving away too many spoilers for the movie, the main character and hero, Maverick, was the same, but many of the other characters around him had changed. I am one who enjoyed both movies, … [Read more...]
“We The People” Are A Lot Alike: Why I Am The People’s Estate Planning Attorney
I cannot count the number of times college age students tell me they want to be an attorney. When I ask them why they want to go to law school I sometimes get confused looks. Many tell me that they want to make a difference in the world by saving the environment, protecting the innocent, or they are motivated to protect someone from the … [Read more...]
Can I Leave Money to My Church When I Die?
The simple answer to this question is: Yes, you can. However, not all gifts to a church, or any charity for that matter, are the same. You can choose to give money to a charity as an outright gift, or as a gift inside of of your estate planning documents like a trust. You can choose to leave money to a charity, or leave property in kind to a … [Read more...]
Estate Planning vs. Medicaid Planning Compared Side by Side
Let’s start with what seems the most obvious to me, but may not to everyone else who doesn’t work as an estate planning attorney like I do: Estate Planning and Medicaid Planning are not completely different things. Instead, Estate Planning is a general, overall, term for setting up a plan for your assets when you die, and what happens between now … [Read more...]
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